Case Study pharmacy at the Elsterpark Centre
Cleankeys-Cleankeys keyboards in use at a pharmacy
The pharmacy at the Elsterpark Centre in Plauen is one of the best-known in the region. Mr Ikels, the owner of the pharmacy, not only places great importance on providing professional advice, but also on having a hygienic, visual appearance for his business equipment.
He decided to use Cleankeys keyboards as part of his new IT equipment. The sales team uses the keyboards on the front desks in order to process all the enquiries from customers by using a merchandise management and information system. Mr Ikels gave us the opportunity to talk to him about his decision to opt for Cleankeys keyboards.
How do you clean the keyboards?
The keyboards in my pharmacy are cleaned twice a day – we
wipe them with a cleaning tissue. The glass surface of the
Cleankeys units makes this much easier and much quicker.
Would you recommend the product to others?
I’m very happy with the Cleankeys keyboards and can
recommend them to others with a clear conscience.